
Fanghua Ye 叶方华

Welcome 👋

I finished my PhD in Computer Science at University College London (UCL). I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Emine Yilmaz and Prof. Jun Wang.

My research interests lie in conversational AI, information retrieval, social network analysis, and large language models.

Email: fanghua.ye.19@ucl.ac.uk or fanghua.ye.21@gmail.com

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    University College London

    Department of Computer Science

    PhD Candidate

  • Aug, 2024 - Passed my final viva (PhD defense) with no corrections.
  • Jul, 2024 - Gave a talk at the 23rd China National Conference on Computational Linguistics (CCL 2024).
  • Jun, 2024 - Our survey paper on the synergy of foundation models and federated learning was available on [Arxiv].
  • Jun, 2024 - Gave a talk on benchmarking LLM uncertainty at Chongqing University.
  • Apr, 2024 - Gave a talk on benchmarking LLM uncertainty at Beihang University.
  • Oct, 2023 - Two papers accepted to EMNLP 2023 (1 Main + 1 Findings).
  • Sep, 2023 - One paper was accepted to NeurIPS 2023.
  • Jul, 2023 - Invited to serve as an area chair of EMNLP 2023.
  • May, 2023 - Gave a talk at CWI in the Netherlands.
  • May, 2023 - One paper was accepted to ACL 2023.
  • Jan, 2023 - Gave a talk on dialogue state tracking at Sun Yat-Sen University.
  • Dec, 2022 - Gave a talk on dialogue state tracking at Shandong University.
  • Oct, 2022 - One paper was accepted to EMNLP 2022.
  • Aug, 2022 - Gave a talk on dialogue state tracking at Amazon.
  • Jul, 2022 - The MultiWOZ 2.4 paper was accepted to SIGDIAL 2022.
  • May, 2022 - Gave an invited talk on dialogue state tracking at Shenlan Academy.
  • Feb, 2022 - One paper was accepted to Findings of ACL 2022.
  • Jan, 2022 - Gave an invited talk on dialogue state tracking at King’s College London.
  • May, 2021 - Our proposal was selected for the 1st Amazon Alexa Prize TaskBot Challenge.
  • Apr, 2021 - We released the MultiWOZ 2.4 dataset, check [GitHub] and [Arxiv] for details.
  • Jan, 2021 - Two papers were accepted to TheWebConf 2021.
  • Aug, 2019 - One paper was accepted to ICDM 2019.
  • Feb, 2019 - Joined the group of Prof. Xiaokui Xiao at National University of Singapore as an RA.

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    MetaASSIST: Robust Dialogue State Tracking with Meta Learning
    Fanghua Ye, Xi Wang, Jie Huang, Shenghui Li, Samuel Stern, Emine Yilmaz
    The Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)
    Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 2022
    [Paper] [Code]

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    ASSIST: Towards Label Noise-Robust Dialogue State Tracking
    Fanghua Ye, Yue Feng, Emine Yilmaz
    Findings of ACL
    Dublin, Ireland, May 2022
    [Paper] [Code] [Poster]

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    Slot Self-Attentive Dialogue State Tracking
    Fanghua Ye, Jarana Manotumruksa, Qiang Zhang, Shenghui Li, Emine Yilmaz
    The Web Conference (WWW)
    Online, April 2021
    [Paper] [Code] [Video]

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    Outlier-Resilient Web Service QoS Prediction
    Fanghua Ye, Zhiwei Lin, Chuan Chen, Zibin Zheng, Hong Huang
    The Web Conference (WWW)
    Online, April 2021
    [Paper] [Code]

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    Discrete Overlapping Community Detection with Pseudo Supervision
    Fanghua Ye, Chuan Chen, Zibin Zheng, Rong-Hua Li, Jeffrey Xu Yu
    IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM)
    Beijing, China, November 2019
    [Paper] [Code]

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    Deep Autoencoder-Like Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Community Detection
    Fanghua Ye, Chuan Chen, Zibin Zheng
    ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM)
    Turin, Italy, October 2018
    [Paper] [Code]

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    Skyline Community Search in Multi-Valued Networks
    Rong-Hua Li, Lu Qin, Fanghua Ye, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Xiaokui Xiao, Nong Xiao, Zibin Zheng
    ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD)
    Houston, TX, USA, June 2018
    [Paper] [Code]